What is Heart Rate variability (HRV)?
Heart rate variability measures the intervals between your heart beats in milliseconds.
The higher the variability between each heart beat, the more resilient you are when facing stress.
According to Harvard Health Publishing, a higher HRV may indicate better cardiovascular fitness and a greater resilience to stress.
Research has found that a lower HRV is associated with anxiety disorders (2014 meta-analysis in the journal Frontiers in Psychology ).
A lower HRV can also be a warning against an earlier death from heart diseases.
Physically fit adults typically have a lower resting heart rate
because their heart is more efficient at pumping blood through the
body. This also means a higher HRV, since variability increases with a
slower heart rate.
However, according to Researchgate, measuring Heart Rate Variability is
precise science and many of the fashionable gadgets out there fall short
of providing accurate data. Therefore, it is very important to choose a
reliable company with reliable ECG equipment.
The real magic of measuring Heart Rate Variability is that you can get an immediate snapshot of your current resilience and then take measures to build on that.
Heart rate variability is unique to you and you can use it to beat stress, sleep better, energise, live longer.
The immediate benefits of accurately measuring your HRV over 24 hrs:
You will get accurate data on:
Your true biological age
Sleep quality analysis
How your data compares to the average norm
What stress and relaxation looks like in your body
Recommendations on how to build your resilience
To get started contact:
Images courtesy of Researchgate, livingroi,